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WHO Is Lavesh?

Hi there and welcome!

I was born in India but spent most of my life here in the city of brotherly love–Philadelphia. I did all my schooling in Philly earned my Masters in Bioscience Technologies and shuffled around the country working in research labs and such.

I didn’t like it much.

So I shuffled up a few things, reinvented myself a bit and landed a job as a Flight Attendant for a major US based carrier.

This I like.

ONTO Greener pastures

Like anyone else, I graduated school with a debt problem and this problem didn’t really seem to disappear anytime soon. In fact, this problem only compounded with time. Realizing my negative net worth was eye-opening even with a regular paycheck coming in. 

So I drafted a plan to become debt free, found ways to bolster my income, adopted a minimalistic mindset and drew up a plan to shed about 50k in two years.

The results were pretty striking. 

Consequently, I kept going deeper into this rabbit hole of personal finance and only after understanding the crippling effects of negative compound interest I wondered about the opposite– the impact of a positive compound interest for a long-term nest egg.

And it turns out you really don’t need a high salary to build long term wealth — what does the trick is consistency and discipline.  

I’m still always learning something new everyday about this personal finance world and even with the money mistakes I make here and there it’s comforting to know that I’m on track where my net worth continues to grow.

Personal finance

It might catch to your attention that nothing above has anything to do with personal finance– and you’d be correct. I’m not a certified wall street broker nor a CA. In fact, I have no formal training in finance. I’m just an ordinary guy who over a period of years has learned a lot about money, money habits and how money, emotions and finances work together in tandem. 

Disclaimer: I’m not a licensed financial professional and the information on here as well as any correspondence is based on research, opinions and personal experience and it’s intended as such. So, take everything on here with a kernel of NaCl and do your own research before taking any advice.

BUT I would like to offer you some perspectives and ideas on PF and if these ideas resonate well with you then cool beans! If not– the beans are still cool.