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Why Gold and Crypto Are Not Investments, But Speculative Assets

When it comes to investing, understanding the distinction between traditional investments and speculative assets is important. I think so many of us mistakenly classify gold, cryptocurrency (and even a primary home) as “investments,” but to be honest, they are “speculative assets” at best. Gold and crypto should not be thought of as “investments” – but rather “speculations.” And let’s be honest, even your primary home that you live in is not an asset – it’s a roof over your head and a money pit.

So What Constitutes an Investment?

Before diving into the specifics of gold and crypto, let’s talk about what makes an asset a true investment. Traditional investments, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, share several key characteristics:

  1. Income Generation: Traditional investments generate income, whether through dividends, interest, or rental income.
  2. Potential for Capital Appreciation: Investments have the potential to increase in value over time.
  3. Underlying Asset or Cash Flow: Investments are backed by assets or businesses that create revenue and profits.
  4. Market Regulation: Traditional investments are often traded in regulated markets, providing a level of security and transparency.

Gold: It’s Just a Rock with No Productive Value!

Gold has long been looked at as a valuable asset as well as a hedge against economic uncertainty. While gold may hold value in certain communities and cultures, on a bigger scale, it lacks many qualities of a true investment.


  • Pay Dividends: Gold does not provide any regular income.
  • Produce A Product: Unlike companies, gold does not produce anything of value.
  • Have Profits: Gold itself does not generate profits.
  • Have Innovation: Gold remains unchanged over time; it does not innovate or evolve.

Essentially, Gold is just a shiny rock with no productive value.

To me, gold is something you own with the hope that someone will pay you more for it in the future. It doesn’t earn me any money, nor does it create any kind of cash flow, nor is it innovative. Gold is pure speculation, and I’m not a speculator.

Stocks – The Real Deal: Investments with Tangible Benefits

Unlike gold and crypto, stocks represent ownership in a company and come with numerous benefits.

Stocks HAVE:

  • Dividends: Many stocks pay regular dividends, providing a steady income stream.
  • A Product: Companies produce goods or services.
  • Revenue: Companies generate revenue from their products or services.
  • Profits: Companies aim to be profitable, increasing the value of your investment.
  • Innovation: Companies continuously innovate to stay competitive and grow.

Unlike gold and crypto, stocks represent a share in a productive enterprise that creates value and generates returns for investors.

Cryptocurrency: The Volatile Digital Frontier

To me, crypto is too volatile to operate as a currency, making it a speculative investment. Just like gold, it’s something you buy hoping that at some point in the future, will be a stable form of a payment – I just don’t see it happening yet.

The Risks of Speculative Investments

Investing in speculative assets like gold and crypto carries significant risks:

  • Market Volatility: Both gold and crypto are subject to extreme price fluctuations, leading to potentially significant losses.
  • Lack of Income Generation: Neither gold nor crypto provides regular income, relying solely on price appreciation.
  • Uncertain Future Value: The value of gold and crypto is highly uncertain and based largely on market sentiment.
  • Lack of Regulation: Crypto, in particular, faces regulatory uncertainties that can impact its value.

Take Away:

Though media may dictate what’s the hot trend and what we should do – we must actively strive for simplicity when it comes to personal finance. Understanding the difference between traditional investments and speculative assets is essential for building a stable financial future. While gold and crypto may offer opportunities for price appreciation, they lack the fundamental qualities of true investments. They don’t generate income, have no productive value, and are subject to extreme volatility.

Investing in stocks, bonds, and real estate provides tangible benefits, including income generation, capital appreciation, and backing by underlying assets or business fundamentals. These characteristics make traditional investments a more reliable and prudent choice for long-term financial growth.

And while speculation can sometimes yield profits, it comes with high risks and uncertainties. For those seeking to build a stable and productive investment portfolio, focusing on assets that generate income and have tangible value is a pretty good path to success.

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